neria™ soft 90 infusion set


The neria™ soft 90 infusion set has an extra large, easy grip handle for needle insertion. This also protects you from needle stick injuries after removal. Features include:

  • Needle protection feature secures the needle after insertion and helps prevent needle stick injuries.
  • Disconnection of the tubing at site for increased flexibility.
  • Insertion handle for easy grip and insertion technique.
  • Transparent window allows you to monitor the insertion site.
  • Complies with EU directive on safer sharps*.





* COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2010/32/EU of 10 May 2010, implementing the Framework Agreement on prevention from sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector concluded by HOSPEEM and EPSU2002

neria soft 90 Product - Whole product 1
neria soft 90 Product - Close-up of product neria soft 90 Product - Close-up of product without tubing neria soft 90 Product - Remove

Please always discuss with your healthcare professional which infusion set options are best for you. 

When trying a new infusion set for the first time, do so in the presence of a healthcare professional.



How to use neria™ soft 90

Learn how to use the neria™ soft 90 infusion set in this quick video.






Request a Sample

Request your personal sample of the neria™ soft 90 infusion set or find the local contact in your country.


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